Source code for atomiq.helper

import importlib
from io import IOBase
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import base64

from typing import Union
import random
import string

from atomiq.components.primitives import Component

import artiq
from artiq.language.types import TFloat, TInt32, TBool
from artiq.experiment import kernel, rpc, portable

[docs] def get_module(path, relative_path=None): module_name = '.'.join([relative_path, path]) if relative_path is not None else path module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return module
[docs] def get_class_by_name(name, relative_path=None): """ Resolve class by name :param name: (str) "%s.%s" % (, :return: (class) """ assert name is not None module_path, class_name = name.rsplit('.', 1) module__ = get_module(module_path, relative_path=relative_path) class_ = getattr(module__, class_name) return class_
[docs] def rec_getattr(obj, attr): """Get object's attribute. May use dot notation. >>> class C(object): pass >>> a = C() >>> a.b = C() >>> a.b.c = 4 >>> rec_getattr(a, 'b.c') 4 """ if '.' not in attr: return getattr(obj, attr) else: L = attr.split('.') return rec_getattr(getattr(obj, L[0]), '.'.join(L[1:]))
[docs] def random_ascii_string(length): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(length))
[docs] def file_from_url(url: str) -> IOBase: """ Load content from a file specified by a URL. This can be every type of URL supported by pythons urllib (e.g. http://, file://, etc ). Giving the basic auth credentials in the URL in the form http://user:password@hostname:port/path is supported. Returns: file handle on the file """ parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed.username and parsed.password: request = urllib.request.Request(parsed._replace(netloc=parsed.netloc.split('@')[1]).geturl()) base64string = base64.b64encode(bytes('%s:%s' % (parsed.username, parsed.password), 'ascii')) request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string.decode('utf-8')) f_handle = urllib.request.urlopen(request) else: f_handle = urllib.request.urlopen(url) return f_handle
[docs] def component_dict(component: Union[str, tuple]) -> dict: """ Extract the required information (id, type) from the entries of a component list defined in an AtomiqBlock/AtomiqExperiment We allow entries in a components list of AtomiqExperiment/AtomiqBlock to be either just strings specifying the id of the component or tuples of the form (id, type) to require a specific type of the component with the given id. The type can also be a superclass of the specified component. Args: component: entry of the component list Returns: dict: dictionary with keys "id" and and "type" """ # we allow for tuples ("comp_id", class, ...) or just a string "comp_id" in the components list res = {"type": Component} if type(component) is tuple: res.update({"id": component[0], "type": component[1]}) else: res.update({"id": component}) return res
[docs] def component_data(component_dict: dict) -> Union[str, tuple]: if "type" in component_dict and component_dict["type"] != Component: return (component_dict["id"], component_dict["type"]) else: return component_dict["id"]
[docs] def block_dict(blockdef: Union[str, tuple]) -> dict: """ Extract the required information (class, map) from the entries of a block list defined in an AtomiqBlock/AtomiqExperiment We allow entries in a blocks list of AtomiqExperiment/AtomiqBlock to be either just strings specifying the class of the AtomiqBlock to be imported or tuples of the form (class, ,map) to specify a mapping of the components in the experiment to the components in the block. Args: blockdef: entry of the blocks list Returns: dict: dictionary with keys "class", "map", and "alias" """ res = {"map": {}, "alias": None} if type(blockdef) is tuple: res.update({"class": blockdef[0]}) if len(blockdef) > 1: res.update({"map": blockdef[1]}) if len(blockdef) > 2: res.update({"alias": blockdef[2]}) else: res.update({"class": blockdef}) return res
[docs] def replace_member(obj, target: str, replacement: str): """ Replace a member (target) of an object (obj) with a different member (replacement). This is useful to change member functions of components at construction of the object depending on the configuration. when running the legacy artiq compiler, every object has its own class and we can/have to modify the class. Otherwise, we just alter the object itself. """ obj = obj.__class__ if "compiler" in dir(artiq) else obj setattr(obj, target, getattr(obj, replacement))
[docs] @kernel def identity_float(x: TFloat) -> TFloat: return x
[docs] @kernel def identity_int32(x: TInt32) -> TInt32: return x
[docs] @kernel def identity_float_int32(x: TFloat) -> TInt32: return round(x)
[docs] @portable def isnan(x: TFloat) -> TBool: """ Check whether a float is NaN. We cannot use `math.isnan` or `numpy.isnan` in the core, so we use IEEE 754 and do it by hand. """ return x != x