atomiq.components.lock module

class atomiq.components.lock.Lock(reference_frequency, lock_offset=0.0, harmonic=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Component

This is a very generic class to describe a laser lock. It is characterized by some means of a reference frequency and an offset to that frequency at which the lock tries to stabilize.

Most likely you want to use a more specific class inherited from this one.

  • reference_frequency (TFloat) -- The frequency in Hz that the lock references to

  • lock_offset (TFloat) -- The frequency offset in Hz at which the lock stabilizes

  • harmonic (TInt32) -- Use this option if the laser is frequency converted but locked to the fundamental. Use 1 for no conversion, 2 for SHG, 4 for FHG ,... (default 1)

kernel_invariants = {'harmonic'}
Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

class atomiq.components.lock.DetunableLock(settle_time=0, blind=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Lock, Parametrizable

This is a very generic class to describe a laser lock where the lock offset can be changed. It is characterized by some means of a reference frequency and a detunable offset to that frequency at which the lock tries to stabilize.

Most likely you want to use a more specific class inherited from this one.

  • settle_time (TFloat) -- Time in s the lock needs to settle after a detuning of the lock point

  • blind (TBool)

A Parametrizable is an entity that can be controlled by one or more continuous parameter(s)

kernel_invariants = {'settle_time'}

Set the absolute frequency of the locked line


frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The absoulte frequency at which the system should lock


Set the frequency relative to the reference frequency, i.e. set the lock offset.


offset_frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- new lock offset in Hz

Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

class atomiq.components.lock.SpectroscopyLock(reference_frequency, lock_offset=0.0, harmonic=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Lock

  • reference_frequency (TFloat)

  • lock_offset (TFloat)

  • harmonic (TInt32)

Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

kernel_invariants = {'harmonic'}
class atomiq.components.lock.SidebandLock(rf_source, sideband_order=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DetunableLock

Lock on a sideband modulated onto the laser

This kind of lock is frequently used when locking on tunable sideband to the transmission signal of a stable cavity. The offset frequency for the sideband is generated by an RF source and can be changed at runtime. Thus the lock point can be detuned.

  • rf_source (RFSource) -- RF source that determines the sideband frequency.

  • sideband_order (TInt32) -- Order of the sideband the laser is locked to [.., -2, -1, 1, 2, ...] (default 1)

A Parametrizable is an entity that can be controlled by one or more continuous parameter(s)

kernel_invariants = {'rf_source', 'sideband_order'}
Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())


Set the frequency relative to the reference frequency, i.e. set the lock offset.


offset_frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- new lock offset in Hz


Set the absolute frequency of the locked line


frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The absoulte frequency at which the system should lock

class atomiq.components.lock.OFCLock(rf_source, lock_direction=1, tooth_number=-1, rep_rate=-1, ceo=-1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DetunableLock

Lock on an optical frequency comb

This is used to lock the laser on a beat note with an optical frequency comb. It is characterized by the frequency of the closest comb tooth and the offset frequency. The offset frequency is generated by an RF source and can be changed at runtime. Thus the lock point can be detuned.

  • rfsource -- RF source that generates the reference beat frequency (i.e. the offset frequency) to which the laser beat note is stabilzed.

  • reference_frequency -- The frequency in Hz of the comb tooth. Instead (tooth_number, rep_rate, ceo) can be given to automatically calculate the reference frequency

  • lock_offset -- The default frequency offset to the comb tooth in Hz at which the lock stabilizes

  • settle_time -- Time in s the lock needs to settle after a detuning of the lock point

  • lock_direction (TInt32) -- Whether the laser is to the positive (+1) or negative (-1) beat note (default 1)

  • tooth_number (TInt32) -- Number of the comb tooth, the laser is beaten with (default -1)

  • rep_rate (TFloat) -- Repetition frequency of the comb in Hz (default -1)

  • ceo (TFloat) -- Ceo frequency of the comb in Hz (default -1)

  • rf_source (RFSource)

A Parametrizable is an entity that can be controlled by one or more continuous parameter(s)

kernel_invariants = {'lock_direction', 'rf_source'}
Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())


Set the frequency relative to the reference frequency, i.e. set the lock offset.


offset_frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- new lock offset in Hz


Set the absolute frequency of the locked line


frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The absoulte frequency at which the system should lock

class atomiq.components.lock.OffsetLock(reference_laser, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SidebandLock

Lock on a reference laser via beating signal


reference_laser -- laser that is used to generate the beat note. It's frequency serves as the reference frequency for this lock

A Parametrizable is an entity that can be controlled by one or more continuous parameter(s)

kernel_invariants = {'reference_laser'}
Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())


Set the frequency relative to the reference frequency, i.e. set the lock offset.


offset_frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- new lock offset in Hz


Set the absolute frequency of the locked line


frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The absoulte frequency at which the system should lock