A helper program to create components for the components db dictionary.
Imports all submodules from a module to make components inside that module visible to the component creator tool.
- Parameters:
modules (List) -- List of modules, can be either strings or the modules itself
- Return type:
Inferes a type from a name string by searching in all imported modules for the class name sstr If multiple types are found, the most likely one is chosen based on an assesment of the parent module. If no type with the given name is found returns None.
- Parameters:
sstr (str) -- name of the class to search for
- Return type:
Type | None
Generate a class Type from a full string.
- Parameters:
sstr (str) -- a full class path like e.g. "atomiq.components.sinara.suservo.SUServoModulatedLaser"
- Return type:
Recursively gets all loaded classes which are abstracting from class klass
- Parameters:
klass (Type)
- Return type:
-, kwargs_modifications=None, optionals=False)[source]¶
Analyzes the call signature of the __init__ function of klass to find which arguments are mandatory. This is performed recursively through all base classes.
- Parameters:
kwargs_modifications (List | None) -- List of kwargs defined in an __init__ function which are passed down to parent classes
optionals (bool) -- If True return optional args, if false return mandatory args
klass (Type)
- Return type:
-, default)[source]¶
Helper function to generate a cli prompt with default input which can be edited by the user
- Parameters:
prompt (str) -- Non-editable text to show
default (str) -- Editable default value
- Return type:
Helper function to generate a link to the atomiq gitlab pages documentation of a given class target_class. Returns None if the class does not belong to atomiq.
- Parameters:
target_class (Type)
- Return type:
str | None
- class, target_class)[source]¶
Class representing a component configured in the components dictionary
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the component as in the components dict
target_class (Type) -- type of the target class
- static init_from_template_dict(name, component_dict)[source]¶
Initializes a component from a single component dictionary entry as saved in the components database or a template.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- name of the component
component_dict (dict[str, Any]) -- single component component dict entry
- Return type:
- populate_from_template_dict(component_dict)[source]¶
Populate a component recursively from a component dictionary as saved in the components database or a template
- Parameters:
component_dict (dict[str, Any]) -- full component dict
- Return type:
- property configured¶
Returns true if all required arguments of this and all its subcomponents are set
- generate_component_dict(component_dict)[source]¶
Generate a component dict entry for this component and all child components recursively. The entry is directly added to the dict passed in component_dict.
- Parameters:
component_dict (dict[str, Any]) -- dictionary this component is added to
- Return type:
- get_undefined_args()[source]¶
Returns a list of all required arguments of this and all its subcomponents which are not yet defined/set
- Return type:
- get_fixed_args()[source]¶
Returns a list of all arguments of this and all its subcomponents which are defined by a fixed value (not a subcomponent)
- Return type:
- class, parent)[source]¶
This class represents an argument of a component init function.
- Parameters:
arg (inspect.Parameter) -- argument of a component as given by introspection of the component
parent (ComponentEntry) -- the component this argument is part of
- unit = None¶
- default = None¶
- optional = False¶
- property configured¶
Is true if the set value is not None or, if the value is a subcomponent, this component is fully configured
- property value¶
Current set value of the argument. When setting this argument, the value is automatically cast to the correct type as required by this argument"
- get_print_value()[source]¶
Get a nice representation of the argument value usable with the rich module and in correct representation for writing to a components dict
- Return type:
- class, unit)[source]¶
Pretty printable value which implements a rich representation and a representation compatible with the components dict syntax
Decorator function for interactive screens allowing for going back a screen, auto clearing the console on screen change and going back a screen on error.
- Parameters:
func (Callable)
- Return type:
- class[source]¶
Implements an interactive cli builder for configuring components and getting information on the current configuration status. The implementation uses the rich package to print to the command line
- Parameters:
config (dict[str, Any]) -- parsed atomiq tool config dictionary as defined in atomiq_tools.toml
- base_name¶
base name string of the root component which is added to all subcomponents
- Type:
- base_component¶
Type of the root component (e.q. atomiq.components.sinara.suservo.SUServoModulatedLaser)
- Type:
- base_name: str¶
- base_component: Type¶
- start_from_class(target_class, name)[source]¶
Start the cli tool from a single, non configured component
- Parameters:
target_class (Type) -- Type of the target component class
name (str) -- name of the root component, used as a base name for all subcomponents
- Return type:
- go_back(index=-2)[source]¶
Go back by index steps in the cli screen history.
- Parameters:
index (int) -- determines how far to go back in screen history. The default of -2 corresponds to the last screen, since -1 is the current screen
- Return type:
- generate_name(component_type)[source]¶
Generate a component name based on its class of the form {class_name}_{base_name}. If an abbreviation is found in the config["abbreviations"] dict, the abbreviation is used as name prefix
- Parameters:
component_type (str) -- name of the component class type
- Return type:
- save_template(f_name)[source]¶
Save the current component dict as a template as a python file
- Parameters:
f_name (str) -- Name of the output file
- Return type:
- load_template(f_name)[source]¶
Start the cli by loading and populating components from a template file
- Parameters:
f_name (str) -- Name of the imput template file
- Return type:
- generate_component_dict()[source]¶
Generate a component dict by recursively gathering all configured component entries
- get_undefined_args()[source]¶
Returns a list of all required arguments of all configured components which are not yet defined/set
- Return type:
- get_fixed_args()[source]¶
Returns a list of all arguments of all configured components which are either set to a excplicit value or are optional args differing from their default value
- Return type: