
Class Arguments



Default Value























Bold arguments are mandatory. For more documentation on the listed arguments refer to the class definition below. If parameters appear in this list but not in the class definition below, please recursively check the linked base classes for the definition of the parameter.

Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of atomiq.components.laser.ModulatedLaser

Example Component Dictionary

    "laser_example": {
        "classname": "atomiq.components.laser.ModulatedLaser",
        "arguments": {
            "modulator": "<mandatory parameter (LightModulator)>",
            "laser_source": "<mandatory parameter (LaserSource)>",
            "switch": null,
            "fm_device": "mod",
            "am_device": "mod",
            "src_transmission": 1.0,
            "zero_freq": null,
            "power": 0.001

Class Description

class atomiq.components.laser.ModulatedLaser(modulator, switch=None, fm_device='mod', am_device='mod', src_transmission=1.0, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SwitchableLaser, Parametrizable

A laser that can be changed in frequency and amplitude

This class represents a laser that is altered by an acusto-optic modular (AOM). The AOM can be used the modulate the amplitude and the frequency of the light.

  • laser_source -- The laser source that this laser is taken from

  • switch (Switchable) -- The component that switches the laser light. If none is given, the AOM is used to switch the light.

  • modulator (LightModulator) -- component that does the amplitude/frequency/phase modulation of the laser. E.g. an AOM, EOM, etc.

  • zero_freq -- absolute frequency in Hz that should be considered zero. This allows to reference the laser frequency relative to e.g. an atomic transition. If not set, the detuning will be relative to the lock point of the laser source

  • fm_device (TStr) -- Choose whether the frequency should be set via the modulator (mod) or the laser source (src). (default: mod)

  • am_device (TStr) -- Choose whether the power should be set via the modulator (mod) or the laser source (src). (default: mod)

  • src_transmission (TFloat) -- Transmission of the light from the laser source to behind the modulator [0..1] (default 1)

A Switchable has one ore more channel(s) that can be switched on or off


Set the absolute frequency of the light after modulation


frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- Absolute frequency of the light after modulation in Hz

ramp(duration, frequency_start=-1.0, frequency_end=-1.0, amplitude_start=-1.0, amplitude_end=-1.0, power_start=-1.0, power_end=-1.0, ramp_timestep=-1.0, ramp_steps=-1)

Ramp frequency and/or power/amplitude over a given duration.

Parameters default to -1 to indicate no change. If the start frequency/amplitude is set to -1, the ramp starts from the last frequency/amplitude which was set.

Either power or amplitude can be given to ramp the intensity of the laser. If power is given, it overwrites the value for the amplitude

This method advances the timeline by ´duration´

  • duration (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- ramp duration [s]

  • frequency_start (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- initial frequency [Hz]

  • frequency_end (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- end frequency [Hz]

  • amplitude_start (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- initial amplitude [Hz]

  • amplitude_end (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- end amplitude [Hz]

  • power_start (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))

  • power_end (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))

  • ramp_timestep (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))

  • ramp_steps (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('int', OrderedDict([('width', artiq.compiler.types.TValue(32))])))

arb(duration, samples_amp=[], samples_power=[], samples_freq=[], samples_det=[], samples_phase=[], repetitions=1, prepare_only=False, run_prepared=False, transform_amp=<function identity_float>, transform_freq=<function identity_float>, transform_phase=<function identity_float>)

Play Arbitrary Samples from a List

This method allows to set the output amplitude, frequency an phase according to the values specified in respective lists. The whole sequence is played in the specified duration. The pattern store in the sample list can also be repeated.

We supports a scheme to prepare the arb function before it is actually used. If that is needed, run this function with prepare_only = True when the arb should be prepared and with run_only = True when the prepared arb should be played. In both calls the other parameters have to be passed.

  • samples_amp (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict([('elt', artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))]))) -- List of amplitude samples. If this list is empty (default), the amplitude is not modified.

  • samples_power (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict([('elt', artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))]))) -- List of power samples. If this list is empty (default), the amplitude is not modified. This overwrites samples_amp.

  • samples_freq (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict([('elt', artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))]))) -- List of frequency samples. If this list is empty (default), the frequency is not modified.

  • samples_det (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict([('elt', artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))]))) -- List of frequency samples relative to the zero frequency. If this list is empty (default), the frequency is not modified. This overwrites samples_frequency

  • samples_phase (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict([('elt', artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))]))) -- List of phase samples. If this list is empty (default), the phase is not modified.

  • duration (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The time in which the whole sequence of samples should be played back [s].

  • repetitions (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('int', OrderedDict([('width', artiq.compiler.types.TValue(32))]))) -- Number of times the sequence of all samples should be played. (default 1)

  • prepare_only (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('bool', OrderedDict()))

  • run_prepared (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('bool', OrderedDict()))


Set the absolute power of the light after modulation


power (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- Absolute power of the light after modulation in W