atomiq.components.sinara.urukul module

class atomiq.components.sinara.urukul.Urukul(cpld, default_profile=7, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Component

Sinara Urukul 4 Channel DDS

This class represents the Sinara Urukul 4 channel DDS RF source.

  • cpld (artiq.coredevice.urukul.CPLD) -- The ARTIQ cpld device from the device_db, e.g. @urukul0_cpld.

  • default_profile (TInt32) -- Which profile in the Urukul CPLD to use by default, i.e. if no profile is given (default 7)

kernel_invariants = {'cpld'}
set_profile(profile=7, trigger=True)[source]

Set the Urukul to the given profile.

  • profile (TInt32) -- profile

  • trigger (TBool) -- pulse io_update

class atomiq.components.sinara.urukul.UrukulChannel(urukul, device, ttl=None, default_attenuation=19.0, profile_arb=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: RFSource, Switchable

Single DDS Channel of a Sinara Urukul

  • urukul (Urukul) -- The Urukul component this channel belongs to

  • device -- The ARTIQ device from the device_db representing the Urukul channel, e.g. @urukul0_ch0

  • ttl -- The ARTIQ device from the device_db representing the Urukul fast RF switch, e.g. @ttl_urukul0_sw0

  • default_attenuation -- Default attenuation to set for the channel on startup. (default -19dBm)

  • profile_arb (TInt32) -- Profile on the DDS to use for arbitrary function generation. (default 0)

A Parametrizable is an entity that can be controlled by one or more continuous parameter(s)

kernel_invariants = {'device', 'profile_arb', 'profile_default', 'ttl', 'urukul'}
set(frequency=-1.0, amplitude=-1.0, phase=0.0, profile=-1)[source]

Set the frequency and amplitude. Frequency/amplitude are set to the last known value if -1 is given.

  • frequency (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- frequency [Hz]

  • amplitude (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- amplitude

  • phase (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))

  • profile (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('int', OrderedDict({'width': artiq.compiler.types.TValue(32)})))


Set the hardware attenuation for this urukul channel via cpld.


attenuation (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- channel attenuation (0. to 31.0 in 0.5 increments) [dB]


Turn on via ttl.



Turn off via ttl.


arb(duration, samples_amp=[], samples_freq=[], samples_phase=[], repetitions=1, prepare_only=False, run_prepared=False, transform_amp=<function identity_float>, transform_freq=<function identity_float>, transform_phase=<function identity_float>)

Play Arbitrary Samples from a List

This method allows to set the output amplitude, frequency an phase according to the values specified in respective lists. The whole sequence is played in the specified duration. The pattern store in the sample list can also be repeated.

We supports a scheme to prepare the arb function before it is actually used. If that is needed, run this function with prepapre_only = True when the arb should be prepared and with run_only = True when the prepared arb should be played. In both calls the other parameters have to be passed.

  • samples_amp (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict({'elt': artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())}))) -- List of amplitude samples. If this list is empty (default), the amplitude is not modified.

  • samples_freq (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict({'elt': artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())}))) -- List of frequency samples. If this list is empty (default), the frequency is not modified.

  • samples_phase (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('list', OrderedDict({'elt': artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())}))) -- List of phase samples. If this list is empty (default), the phase is not modified.

  • duration (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- The time in which the whole sequence of samples should be played back [s].

  • repetitions (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('int', OrderedDict({'width': artiq.compiler.types.TValue(32)}))) -- Number of times the sequence of all samples should be played. (default 1)

  • prepare_only (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('bool', OrderedDict()))

  • run_prepared (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('bool', OrderedDict()))

Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

Return type:

artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())

ramp(duration, frequency_start=-1.0, frequency_end=-1.0, amplitude_start=-1.0, amplitude_end=-1.0, ramp_timestep=-1.0, ramp_steps=-1)

Ramp frequency and amplitude over a given duration. Parameters default to -1 to indicate no change. If the start frequency/amplitude is set to -1, the ramp starts from the last frequency/amplitude which was set. This method advances the timeline by ´duration´

  • duration (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- ramp duration [s]

  • frequency_start (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- initial frequency [Hz]

  • frequency_end (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- end frequency [Hz]

  • amplitude_start (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- initial amplitude [0..1]

  • amplitude_end (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict())) -- end amplitude [0..1]

  • ramp_timesteps -- time between steps in the ramp [s]

  • ramp_steps (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('int', OrderedDict({'width': artiq.compiler.types.TValue(32)}))) -- number of steps the whole ramp should have. This takes precedence over ramp_timesteps

  • ramp_timestep (artiq.compiler.types.TMono('float', OrderedDict()))
