Source code for atomiq.components.sinara.kasli

from __future__ import annotations

from atomiq.components.primitives import Component, Switchable, Measurable

from artiq.experiment import kernel, at_mu, now_mu, delay, us
from artiq.language.types import TFloat, TStr, TBool
import numpy as np

[docs] class Kasli(Component): """Kasli Module""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class DioOutput(Component, Switchable): """Fast Digital Output Channel Attached to Kasli This class describes the fast digital output channels directly attached to your Kasli. Args: kasli: Kasli module that this digital output belongs to ttl: ARTIQ device from `` for the DIO channel """ kernel_invariants = {"kasli", "ttl"} def __init__(self, kasli: Kasli, ttl, *args, **kwargs): Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Switchable.__init__(self, ['TTL']) self.kasli = kasli self.ttl = ttl
[docs] @kernel def on(self): self.ttl.on()
[docs] @kernel def off(self):
[docs] class DioInput(Component, Measurable): """Fast Digital Input Channel Attached to Kasli This class describes the fast digital input channels directly attached to your Kasli. Args: kasli: Kasli module that this digital input belongs to ttl: ARTIQ device from `` for the DIO channel """ kernel_invariants = {"kasli", "ttl"} def __init__(self, kasli: Kasli, ttl, *args, **kwargs): Component.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Measurable.__init__(self, ['TTL']) self.kasli = kasli self.ttl = ttl
[docs] @kernel def measure(self): return self.ttl.sample_input()
[docs] @kernel def wait_for_trigger( self, timeout: TFloat, edge: TStr = "rising", log: TBool = False, keep_open: TBool = False ) -> TBool: """Wait for a trigger to occur. This function sets the time cursor to the time where the trigger edge is detected. If no edge is detected in the given timeout, the time cursor is set to the end of the gating window (set by `timeout`). Args: timeout: Timeout in seconds edge: Edge to wait for (rising or falling) log: If True emits a warning if no trigger is detected keep_open: True keeps the gate open after the trigger window. This can be used to rapidly trigger on subsequent pulses on the microsecond timescale. Note that the trigger listener must be closed manually afterwards by either running this function with `keep_open=True` or by calling `self.ttl._set_sensitivity(0)` to avoid kernel slowdown. Returns: bool: True if a trigger is detected, False if not Info: Typically a delay of about 2 us is necessary after this command to avoid underflows. """ # clear previous events self.ttl._set_sensitivity(0) while self.ttl.timestamp_mu(now_mu()) >= 0: pass delay(2*us) # necessary to avoid underflows if edge == "rising": self.ttl._set_sensitivity(1) else: self.ttl._set_sensitivity(2) delay(timeout) t_edge = self.ttl.timestamp_mu(now_mu()) if not keep_open: self.ttl._set_sensitivity(0) if t_edge > 0: at_mu(t_edge) return True else: if log: self.experiment.log.warning("No edge detected @ ttl {0}", [self.identifier,]) return False