BisectionOptimizer ------------------ .. currentmodule:: atomiq.components.optimizers .. rubric:: Class Arguments .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Argument - Type - Default Value * - **actor_min** - **TFloat** - * - **actor_max** - **TFloat** - * - **actor_component** - **Parametrizable** - * - **actor_name** - **TStr** - * - **monitor_component** - **Measurable** - * - **monitor_name** - **TStr** - * - timestep - - 0.000325 * - epsilon - - 0.01 * - max_steps - - 20 * - switch_actor - TBool - False Bold arguments are mandatory. For more documentation on the listed arguments refer to the class definition below. If parameters appear in this list but not in the class definition below, please recursively check the linked base classes for the definition of the parameter. .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram .. inheritance-diagram:: atomiq.components.optimizers.BisectionOptimizer :top-classes: atomiq.components.primitives.Component :parts: -2 .. rubric:: Example Component Dictionary .. code-block:: JSON { "optimizers_example": { "classname": "atomiq.components.optimizers.BisectionOptimizer", "arguments": { "actor_min": "", "actor_max": "", "actor_component": "", "actor_name": "", "monitor_component": "", "monitor_name": "", "timestep": 0.000325, "epsilon": 0.01, "max_steps": 20, "switch_actor": false } } } .. rubric:: Class Description .. autoclass:: BisectionOptimizer :noindex: :inherited-members: Component